About Us

EDEN INGREDIENTS & CHEMICAL TECHNIQUES LTD is positioned as your Reliable and Resourceful partner for you in the DIY businesses and in the practice of Natural Beauty, Salons and SPA, offering those Safe, Novel and Effective proprietary Chemicals and Natural Ingredients from trusted suppliers.


“PRETTY & HEALTHY” is about feeling good on the inside and beautiful and admirable on the outside. It is about taking care of your whole being. That means you must begin to use Personal care, Skin & Hair care products formulated with performance – enhancing organic and natural ingredients, and complimenting Herbal Teas, when necessary.


The truth about our body

The outside of your body is like a barometer. If you are not healthy, tired or depressed, it will show. It is not about putting on layers of makeup, or being liberal with Hair spray and most exotic perfumes, but about caring for your body, so that it looks good naturally without makeup covering abnormal conditions.

Of course, you can boost your beauty with makeup, but it is what is there naturally that makes the real difference.

Then if you have to think ” PRETTY & HEALTHY”, we advise you start thinking of those special, safe and effective products and blends– like Skin & Hair cares, Aromatherapy blends and Herbal teas, as an individual– for detoxifying, cleansing your body/skin from inside-out, exfoliating the skin, when necessary, moisturizing and nourishing it. Also start thinking of those unique , potent and performance – enhancing organic chemicals and natural ingredients, as a beautician, cosmetics producer or DIY practioner – to make products that can meet your customers’ wishes.



EDEN INGREDIENTS & CHEMICAL TECHNICS LTD, is formed by a Chemist and Chemical Analyst, skilled to professionally meet the needs of the above groups of people.

In EDEN INGREDIENTS & CHEMICAL TECHNICS LTD, by our professional backgrounds, we understand that skin reflects whatever that is going on the inside and corresponding exposure on the outside — that is the qualities of what is applied on the body/ skin and weather. We also quite understand the needs and parts of the body/skin.


Our Skin Functionalities.

Our Skin breathes and excretes wastes materials and provides a growing pad for hair. It is fed nutrients and oxygen by tiny blood vessels that in turn pick up their wastes from the food and drinks we take in and the air we breathe. We understand, also, the constant abuses on the skin  flexible and elastic limits, and therefore, are positioned to speak for these important parts of our whole being, in terms of their needs and requirements, by Sourcing and Offering the safest, potent, unique and effective products and ingredients for both consumers and producers in the industry, via our online and mainstream distribution.

DELIVERY: We partner with known logistics outfits and companies locally and internationally with a few courier companies, for safe and prompt delivery.


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