Our Frequently Asked Questions to help you have a good understanding of our products.


 – it’s a safe way of removing the dead old skin flakes and exposing the fresh new skin. Also normalizing disturbed keratinization.


– it has a pH of 4.0.


– In 5 days you would observe, Renewed clarity, improved skin texture, and a fresh look.

In 3 weeks; visibly deminished pores improved colour and tone.
You stop when achieve your desire.

In 2 months; significantly reduced the appearance of fine lines and Wrinkles.


Spray every night after bath, on the face or affected body parts, rub in and leave till morning.


Use our payment options.
Delivery, locally,. within Lagos is by despatch. Outside Lagos, through local logistics companies, (e.g GIG, GUO , LIBMOT etc).
Outside Nigeria, through UPS, FEDEX etc.


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